What's the reason for playing Runescape 3
Runescape was first released to the public on January 4, 2001. That was the date the initial version of Runescape was released, and the game was different from what we see today. However, Runescape 3 was called "Runescape 3" after a major game-changing, game-changing upgrade called "Battle Development".
This update was released to the general public on November 20, 2012. It completely overhauls the combat mechanics and includes a ton of new out-of-the-box features such as those not available in previous games. Runescape 3 is a game that has seen a dramatic drop in the player base over time as most players realize this is no longer the game they used to love and enjoy.
The uniqueness of Runescape is thought to be lost in the transition to a usable regular MMO.
What's the reason for playing Runescape 3?
As it stands, why would it be good for you to try Runescape 3? While there isn't enough incentive for someone to "like" the game, it's all about the player's inclination. Players never show change. Here are some reasons why you should give Runescape 3 a try.
Initially, Runescape 3 followed many other available MMO models. This is evident in features like combat mechanics and the ability to attack using hotkeys. If you like this kind of gameplay, Runescape 3 might be the perfect choice for someone like you.
Another reason you might like Runescape 3 is that it's actually the first game. So if you played the game as someone who played it not long ago, your progress and even achievements will show up. A lot of players don't want to restart their development, so they think it's easy to play Runescape 3 on a portable device.
You might also consider the RS3, as that game has more power, which is one of a kind in games, compared to the old-school Runescape.
For example, Runescape 3 includes abilities such as divination or invention skills that older Runescapes were not equipped with. This makes the game more fun and interesting, especially for those who have improved their abilities in various areas.
Last Thoughts
Overall, you will notice massive distinctions between Runescape and Old School Runescape which is why Jagex has them as two distinct games. The economy is also amazing. This is evident in Runescape gold locations like RSorder which is where the price for Runescape3 gold is in essence less expensive than OSRS gold. This suggests that there's much more gold in RS3 than in OSRS.
Even so, gold prices should not be the primary reason for players to change their strategy of play unless their main goal is to earn money.