Elden Ring DLC Heavy Attack Build Guide

Mar-11-2025 PST Category: Elden Ring
Welcome, Tarnished! Today, we’re diving into an Elden Ring DLC build focused entirely around heavy attacks. This build is designed for players who love unleashing devastating charged strikes, utilizing unique weapon synergies to maximize their damage output. To enhance your performance in this build, you might find it helpful to buy Elden Ring Runes, as they can significantly boost your leveling and upgrade your weapons. Let’s break down the weapons, talismans, and strategies that make this build a powerhouse in both PvE and PvP.

Weapon Choices

This build features a variety of weapons that excel in heavy attacks, each offering unique attack patterns and combo potential.

Lizard Sword

· Fires a projectile with its heavy attack, allowing for ranged pressure.

· Great for finishing off enemies who attempt to escape.


· The charged heavy attack chains directly into the Loretta’s Slash Ash of War.

· Excellent for burst damage when properly set up.

Arumi with Endure

· Fully charged heavy attack chains into a light attack, making for a quick and deadly follow-up.

· Endure allows you to tank through enemy hits while delivering a charged heavy attack.

Raptor Talons

· Charged heavy attack flows seamlessly into another heavy attack.

· Functions as an effective roll-catch tool when used in combination with Impaling Thrust.

· These are just a few of the standout choices, but there are plenty of weapons in the game that can fit into this playstyle.

Stat Distribution

This is a pure Dexterity build since all the chosen weapons scale exceptionally well with Dex. Here’s a rough stat allocation for optimal performance:

· Vigor: 50 (Survivability is key, especially in PvP)

· Mind: 15 (For Ash of War usage)

· Endurance: 30 (Allows for heavier armor and more stamina for charged attacks)

· Strength: 16 (Just enough for weapon requirements)

· Dexterity: 80 (Maximizes heavy attack damage output)

· Intelligence, Faith, Arcane: Base levels unless using a specific buff or utility spell

Talisman Loadout

To optimize our heavy attack damage, we’re using the following talismans:

1. Axe Talisman

o Increases charged heavy attack damage.

2. Two-Handed Sword Talisman

o Boosts all two-handed moves by 10%, further increasing our damage.

3. Rotten Winged Sword Insignia

o Raises attack power with successive hits, complementing weapons like Raptor Talons that have multi-hit heavy attacks.

4. Millicent’s Prosthesis

o Further boosts attack power on successive hits while granting extra Dexterity.

o For PvP, you can swap in Radagon’s Scarseal or Erdtree’s Favor for additional survivability.

PvP and PvE Strategy

PvP Combat

· Start engagements with ranged pressure from the Lizard Sword or bait an enemy into an Arumi + Endure trade.

· Use roll-catch combos with Raptor Talons to punish dodges.

· Scythe + Loretta’s Slash is excellent for punishing aggressive players.

· Watch your spacing! Positioning is critical, and using terrain to your advantage can help land your charged attacks.

PvE Tactics

· Charge attacks to stagger enemies and break poise, especially useful against large bosses.

· Use Endure to tank through boss attacks and land fully charged heavy swings.

· Employ Ashes of War strategically to control crowds and maximize burst damage.

Final Thoughts

This heavy attack build is all about patience, timing, and knowing when to unleash your charged strikes. Whether you’re dominating PvP encounters or tearing through PvE bosses, mastering this build will let you dish out some of the most satisfying damage in Elden Ring. To further enhance your experience, consider exploring options where you can elden ring items buy online from reputable sources like MMOEXP, which can help you get the gear you need. Good luck out there, Tarnished, and may your heavy attacks always land true!