9 Crucial Tips to 'Get Good' in Elden Ring

Jul-25-2024 PST Category: Elden Ring
As a wise man once said, "Death is a feature of Elden Ring, not a bug." This frustrating mechanic is your chance to reflect and grow in the game. However, it's completely normal to feel frustrated after dying dozens of times. You may even seek help online or from friends, who may simply tell you to "become good." So what do you actually do to become good, especially in a game like this where every boss and enemy is different? Here are 9 top tips that apply to the entire game to help you win more battles and make death an afterthought. Meanwhile, Are you struggling to gather enough Elden Ring Runes to power up your character and conquer the treacherous lands of the Lands Between? Look no further than MMOexp, your ultimate source for boosting your in-game currency effortlessly. With MMOexp, you can purchase Elden Ring Runes safely and quickly, ensuring you have the resources needed to upgrade your gear, enhance your stats, and take on even the toughest bosses with confidence. Say goodbye to endless grinding and hello to a more enjoyable gaming experience. Visit MMOexp and elevate today your Elden Ring adventure to new heights!

1. Spend More Points in Vigor

No matter your class—ranged, melee, or hybrid—Vigor is extremely important. Start investing in Vigor early, especially if you find yourself losing more fights than you're winning. A higher Vigor means a larger health pool, allowing you to take more hits before dying. Even one extra point can make the difference between losing and winning a fight. Keep in mind that at level 40, you'll start hitting diminishing returns, with a soft cap at level 60. So, don't go overboard.

2. Don't Panic Roll

Panic rolling, or rolling out of sheer panic rather than in response to an attack, can be deadly. Rolling without thought leaves you vulnerable once the roll animation ends, as you won't have invincibility frames (iframes) anymore. Enemies can easily hit you during this vulnerable period, so stay calm and roll with purpose.

3. Roll Towards the Enemy

For melee players, rolling towards the enemy rather than away can be more effective. It might seem counterintuitive, but it allows you to attack faster, flank the enemy for easier backstabs, and avoid lunge or thrust attacks. Rolling towards the enemy also hides you from their sight, making it easier to hit them, especially if they're large.

4. Study Your Enemies' Weaknesses

Take the time to study your enemies. Notice their attack patterns, weaknesses, and vulnerabilities. For example, the Fire Giant's left ankle is bruised and a good target for more damage. Ranged mobs usually have less HP, making them easier to take down quickly. Understanding these weaknesses allows you to exploit them effectively.

5. Gain Knowledge

Sometimes, dying on purpose to learn a boss's mechanics can be beneficial. Knowledge is power, and understanding your enemy's attack patterns and mechanics gives you a strategic advantage. The more you know about your opponent, the better you'll perform in the fight.

6. Unlock Your Camera

Unlocking your camera (press R3 on a controller) can give you more freedom in movement and better oversight of your surroundings. This makes it easier to dodge attacks and avoid getting hit. For casters, locking the camera can be useful against aggressive or mobile enemies, as it ensures your spells hit their target.

7. Change Weapons When Mounted

When mounted on Torrent, your horse, you can switch weapons using LB + Y (on a controller). This is particularly useful for casters who want to switch from a staff to a melee weapon for more damage. Switching weapons ensures you always use the most effective weapon for the situation.

8. Use Dismount Iframes

When dismounting Torrent, you are invulnerable during the dismount animation. This iframe period can save you from large AoE attacks that are too big to sprint away from. Press L3 to dismount and avoid incoming damage.

9. Get Stronger

If all else fails, explore more to gain runes, loot, and rewards. Completing quests, obtaining Sacred Tears and Golden Seeds for your potions, and acquiring better gear will naturally make you stronger. Leveling up and gaining better equipment will make boss fights easier.

With these tips, you now have a solid foundation to tackle any enemy in Elden Ring. Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all formula for winning every fight. Experience and time will make you better. Follow these tips, and you'll have an easier time conquering the game. Looking to gear up in Elden Ring without breaking the bank? MMOexp has you covered with their unbeatable selection of cheap Elden Ring Items. Whether you're hunting for powerful weapons, rare armor sets, or essential crafting materials, MMOexp offers a range of budget-friendly options that ensure you get the most value for your runes. Skip the grind and get straight to dominating the Lands Between with high-quality gear at prices that won't hurt your wallet. Check out MMOexp today and gear up for your next epic adventure with top-notch items at a fraction of the cost! Happy adventuring!